Saturday, December 5, 2009

I recently visited a makeup counter and put lipstick samples on my hand and I broke out!?

I noticed that I had several bumps near my wrist and it itches every now and then, is there a cream I can use to get rid of the rash?I recently visited a makeup counter and put lipstick samples on my hand and I broke out!?
GROSS! At least you didn't put it on your lips!

Maybe try some Benedryl cream.I recently visited a makeup counter and put lipstick samples on my hand and I broke out!?
Try taking some benadryl and put some neosporin or vitamin E on it. Make sure not to irritate it. It will probably become worse if you do.

Answer mine in return please?…


how was putting it on your hand going

to help determine anything..

let it dry off

%26amp;%26amp;peel itself

if its an infection dont make it moist

or greasy
use calamine lotion.
the person who used them previously probably had some sort of disease.

go to a doctor!

i would :x

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